DPG-US National War College India Seminar - Pic 1

DPG-US National War College India Seminar

Date: March 16, 2022 | Time : 04:00 pm - 05:30 pm

The Delhi Policy Group organised a virtual “India Seminar” for student officers of the US National War College on March 16, 2022.    The 10-member team of US NWC officers was led by Dr. Mark Bucknam, Director of Research and Writing, US NWC. The DPG senior faculty shared perspectives on the Global and Regional Geopolitical Situation, India’s Continental Security Imperatives, the Indo-Pacific and the Quad, the US-India Defence Relationship, Developments in Central Asia, and India-US Trade and Investment Relations.  The presentations were followed by Q&A interaction. The proceedings were conducted under the Chatham House Rule.

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